The first step into your high-quality, personalized dental care!
When you are being referred to our office, WY Implants and Surgical Arts, you can be assured that we will perform a comprehensive evaluation of your teeth and gums. This will entail completing a medical and dental health questionnaire. We strongly believe that your overall health affects the integrity and longevity of your teeth. Dr. Haque likes to know about your health conditions, any tests that were completed recently, medications, and any allergies. A thorough oral evaluation of your teeth and oral tissues will be completed, and a recommended treatment plan will be presented. We work with all insurances and offer third-party finances such as Care Credit and Proceed Finance.
Please feel free to ask us any questions or concerns that you may have. We love when our patients ask us questions, and we can deliver the standard of care that we strive to achieve.
It is also known as scaling and root planing.
Scaling removes plaque, debris, and stains from your teeth and root surfaces.
Root planning: is the removal of the deceased root deposits embedded deep onto your root surfaces.
If you are presenting with the following symptoms:
• Inflamed and bleeding gums
• Bone loss
• Pus oozing from your gums
• Loose teeth
• Bad breath
Please contact our offices at any of our three convenient locations, as you may be a candidate for deep cleaning. Our trained hygienists and Dr. Haque can go over the procedure with you and help you achieve your healthy smile.
Our goal is to help you attain a healthy mouth for as long as possible.
Once your mouth has achieved dental health and stability, we like to place you on a regular cleaning schedule. We like to set you on either 6 months, 4 months, or 3 months cleaning schedule, which is case-dependent.
Implants are great restorations. However, sometimes they can get gum disease, just like your natural teeth. The gum disease around a dental implant is known as Peri-implantitis.
If you are suffering from any of these symptoms:
Pain and swelling around the implant
Bone loss around the implant
Dull aching or tenderness of the gums around the implant
An implant that is mobile
Don’t hesitate to contact our offices at any of the convenient locations- we can schedule a consultation with Dr. Haque and help you save your implant. You don’t have to lose your implant, as Dr. Haque can use the latest technological advances in bone growth.
If you or your orthodontist is concerned about the Frenum, contact our office for a consultation with Dr. Haque.
Sometimes, a thick band of muscle tissue is present on the front teeth on the top and on the bottom, which makes it hard for teeth to move during Orthodontic treatment. We do a straightforward procedure called Frenectomy, where we use a laser to remove this thick band
Get dental implants that last a lifetime.
Replacing a missing tooth with a dental implant is a common procedure offered at many dental offices. At WY Implants and Surgical Arts, we pride ourselves on placing dental implants with great precision and accuracy. We do our implants differently than most dental offices. We utilized the latest Smart Fusion technology and 3D cone beam CT to place your implants. When you come to see us for an implant consultation, we take a 3D cone beam scan and impressions of your teeth and combine this data to make a surgical guide. This surgical guide helps us in placing implants in correct positions and minimizes complications. Furthermore, it shortens the surgery time and increases patient comfort.
We have helped many patients with concerning lesions and put their minds at ease.
Most ulcers and lesions in the mouth should heal within 10 to 14 days. If you have a suspicious lesion in your mouth, contact our office immediately. We recommend that any suspicious that is present in your mouth for more than 2 weeks need to be biopsied and sent for an evaluation to the Oral Pathologist.
State-or-the-art imaging technology!
A 3D dental cone beam CT is quick, non-invasive, and painless. Typically, a 3D panoramic scan of your head, neck, and jaw will take around 14 seconds from start to finish.
A cone-beam CT creates a 3D view and cross-sections of the target area. The information it provides is critical for several situations, including placing dental implants, searching for the source of pain or infection, and identifying essential structures such as nerves and the sinus that can be in a way when placing dental implants.
Patients benefit from Cone Beam 3D imagining because the technology provides complete information and dental CBCT scans emit very little radiation, equivalent to just one day of normal background radiation. The risk of such a low level of radiation is much less than that of getting an inaccurate diagnosis. A CBCT scan ensures that Dr. Haque will be able to diagnose you with the best possible accuracy.
No need to feel anxious about your oral procedures. Your safety is our Top Priority.
One of the common questions we are often asked is, Is it going to hurt?” You are not alone if you have a fear of dentistry! In the United States, it is estimated that 14 million to 34 million avoid seeking dental care because of their fear of dentistry. Don’t let this stop you from taking care of your teeth and gums.
We at WY Implants and Surgical Arts believe that all patients deserve the best dental care provided in a safe environment without any fear or stress, regardless of their fear and anxiety.
We offer a multitude of sedation options to our patients so they can have a relaxing and stress-free dental experience!
Nitrous oxide, more commonly known as the laughing gas, is a sedative agent that can manage pain and anxiety during dental treatment. It is a colorless and odorless gas that you breathe through the small mask resting on your nose. Most patients have described the feeling of tingliness in their fingers and toes, lightheadedness, and a feeling of euphoria. Don’t hesitate to ask our trained dental assistants or Dr. Haque about nitrous oxide.
Oral sedation is also known as pill sedation. You will often hear us say, “we can give you those happy pills before the procedure.” We commonly prescribe one of the three pills depending on your age and case selection- Valium, Halcion, or Ativan. You will take these pills an hour before your dental appointment, and it usually takes 45 mins to an hour to start feeling drowsy, but you are still responsive and awake. The pills not only relax you but also produce amnesia during your treatment. You will often hear us say, Whatever happens in the dental chair, stays with us at WY Implants and Surgical Arts. We have safely prescribed many of these oral sedation pills and have very happy patients. Don’t hesitate to ask our trained dental assistants and Dr. Haque about these “happy pills.”
IV sedation is another sedation option that we offer at WY Implants and Surgical Arts, where we put you to sleep. If you require a large amount of dental treatment or would like to complete all your dental treatment in one visit, we highly recommend that you do it under IV sedation. We have an Anesthesia Provider who comes once a month to our office and will put you to see. We have an excellent Anesthesia team that will keep you safe and calm during your procedure.
A 3D dental cone beam CT is quick, non-invasive, and painless. Typically, a 3D panoramic scan of your head, neck, and jaw will take around 14 seconds from start to finish.
A cone-beam CT creates a 3D view and cross-sections of the target area. The information it provides is critical for a number of situations, including placing dental implants, searching for the source of pain or infection, and identifying critical structures such as nerves and sinus that can be in a way when placing dental implants.
Patients benefit from Cone Beam 3D imagining because the technology provides complete information and dental CBCT scans emit very little radiation, equivalent to just one day of normal background radiation. The risk of such a low level of radiation is much less than that of getting an inaccurate diagnosis. A CBCT scan ensures that Dr. Haque will be able to diagnose you with the best possible accuracy.
With the right technological applications, our patients can feel confident in their smiles as well as in the quality of the dental care they receive at our office. We strive to use advanced dental technology to make your experience as efficient, comfortable, and enjoyable as possible.